Saturday, November 15, 2008

Two Wines

Two of my favorite wine label motifs, both bottles are green glass with orange lights on green wire inside.


Skyy vodka blue bottle with red, white and blue lights on white wire.

Pink Cat

Pink cat reisling - pink bottle with pink lights on pink wire. PINK!! This bottle a special release commemorating breast cancer awareness month.

Luna di Luna Sangiovese Merlot

Luna di Luna Sangiovese Merlot opaque cranberry-colored bottle with clear lights on green wire. The lights glowing through the opaque bottle are mellow and striking!

Grand Marnier

My parents' favorite - Grand Marnier brown bottle with amber lights on brown wire.

Crown Royal Purple and Amber

I tried something different here. My Crown Royal bottle with purple lights is very popular. This time I tried purple and amber lights on purple wire. The amber lights add a bright glowing effect. I like it!


Cinzano green vermouth bottle with red and green lights on green wire.


Absolut clear vodka bottle with blue and white lights on white wire.

1800 Reposado Tequila

1800 Reposado clear bottle with amber and purple lights on tan wire. Bottle given to me by Missy at Tanner's Creek restaurant and bar, on Colley Ave. in Norfolk (great food!).